About Us

Dedicated organization providing innovative results with significant outcomes.

solutions with extensive experience

( More -Kmri is one of the least expensive, yet most effective ways to generate leads and boost. Make a 90-day digital campaign. Establishing budgets and forecasting for return on marketing investments. Use a variety of digital marketing planning strategies(i.e. RACE, SOSTAC and JAM) to set SMART objectives for organisations. Ensure ROAS a digital budget for three months. Use the JAM planning model to set short-term and long-term goals for the organisation. Maintaining a Social media presence for a diverse range of businesses across all digital channels. It's  equipped with the tools and expertise that give you guaranteed top-page ranks on the search results and a customer-centric App Development)

Kazi Md R. I.

MSc Digital Marketing (UWL, London) MBA-Global Management and Leadership(Italy) Mechanical Engineer

Kazi Md R. I.
MSc Digital Marketing (UWL, London)
MBA-Global Management and Leadership(Italy)
Mechanical Engineer


I adopt a balanced digital economy that is growing 10 times faster than the offline economy. Use the JAM planning model to set short-term and long-term goals for the organisation to grab Generation Z. I made a 90-day digital budget that ensures the ROAS of your organization. My real strength is the ability to understand what my audience wants truly.

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